- High-quality Chinese white tea from the imperial gardens, where large shoots consisting of two leaves and an undeveloped bud are rolled into tiny balls. Thanks to this, it is often called the 'Imperial Pearl'.
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An excellent Chinese tea that once could only be drunk by the Emperor and his courtiers. It comes from the youngest shoots of a tea plant, where only the top two leaves and the undeveloped bud are picked by qualified pluckers. Apparently, in the past, special small scissors were used to cut them so as not to damage the plant with the touch of a human hand. Thus, the first contact with the body came from the mouth of the drinking dignitary. Such a tip is rolled up into a small ball on which the silvery fluff on the underside of the leaf looks beautifully. After pouring hot water, pearls unfold showing their grace and nobility. An infusion for the chosen ones, appreciated by connoisseurs of the whole tea world.
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Unoxidized Tea
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