( number of products: 26 )
Black Tea 'Earl Grey Blue Star'
A blend of black teas flavored with aromatic bergamot oil and cornflower petals which give more sweet notes to the infusion.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3000 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Black Tea 'French Grapes'
Full of French romanticism, this black tea has sweet aroma of ripe dark grapes, roses and cornflower. Additional giant sultan raisins and dried apricot pieces give distinctive fruity taste.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT

Black Tea 'Marquis de Gris'
The aroma of juicy mango with exotic bergamot, built on a base of black tea with added sunflower petals, rose petals, and cornflower blossoms, as well as pieces of mango.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Black Tea 'Wild Strawberry'
A composition that have aromas of fruit and summer sun, built on the basis of delicate black tea with a hint of Chinese green Sencha, enriched with pieces of wild strawberry and cornflower petals.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Green Sencha 'Blooming Bamboo'
A composition that combines the beauty of the Orient. It's green tea with jasmine, rose, and hollyhock flowers, bathed in a multitude of fresh shoots of green bamboo.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Green Tea Sencha 'Prickly Pear'
Green Sencha with a dry aroma and slightly sweet taste. Pieces of prickly pear, papaya, pineapple, and mango give a characteristic and beloved fruity note, while cornflower and sunflower petals complete the blend.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Green Tea Sencha 'Southern Sun'
Very subtle green Sencha with sunflower, cornflower, and safflower. Delicate notes of aromatic southern fruits with a dry character of the infusion.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Green Tea Sencha 'Spring Flowers'
Green Sencha with a floral aroma, evoking memories of sunny spring days. Contains rose petals, safflower, sunflower, hibiscus, and jasmine. It has a slightly sweet note reminiscent of honey or caramel.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Green Tea Sencha Premium 'Cranberry Dream' Organic
A blend created with the highest quality Japanese green Sencha, featuring large pieces of cranberry floating amidst a sea of blue cornflower petals and yellow sunflower petals.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3400 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbata Czerwona `China Pu-Erh Granat & Bergamotka`
Klasyka w postaci połączenia herbaty Pu-Erh z naturalnym olejkiem bergamotowym oraz olejkiem z owocu granatu. Całość dopełniają kolorowe kwiatki safloru, bławatka i słonecznika.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT2800 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbatka Owocowa `Apsik!`
Herbata podnosząca witalność organizmu. Składa się z jabłka, cytryny, marchewki, hibiskusa, kwiatu i owocu dzikiej róży, płatków bławatka i nieśmiertelnika, granulatu z naturalnego soku cytrynowego, cynamonu, kardamonu i anyżu. Wzbogacona witaminami.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT2800 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbatka Rooibos `Buchu Zulu`
Herbatka Rooibos z dodatkiem owocu dzikiego bzu, wzbogacona prozdrowotnymi listami z krzewu Buchu rosnącego w RPA, a także płatkami róży i bławatka.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbatka Rooibos `Cydrowy Sad`
Herbatka Rooibos stworzona z myślą o kwitnącym jabłkowym sadzie, przepięknie pachnie pełnią lata, dojrzałymi zielonymi jabłkami i porzeczkami. Ukojenie dla zmysłów.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbatka Rooibos `Kalahari`
Herbatka Rooibos o cytrusowym aromacie, z kawałkami czekolady, kwiatem bławatka, safloru i słonecznika oraz trawą cytrynową.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Rooibos Tea `Wellness Aloe Vera Exclusive`
Rewitalizująca mieszanka na bazie herbatki rooibos z dodatkiem dużych kawałków aloesu, ananasa, papai, trawy cytrynowej, całej masy mięty pieprzowej oraz kwiatu słonecznika i bławatka.
4,31 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3600 PTS8,62 € / 100g incl. VAT

White Tea 'Amber Baikal'
Very delicate tea consisting of white Pai Mu Tan leaves and green tea, enriched with pieces of tropical mango, papaya, rose petals, and cornflower.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3400 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT

White Tea 'Sweet Mulberry'
Enchanting white tea with the addition of white mulberry, apple, and papaya. The distinctive sweet taste is accentuated by aromatic marigold, jasmine, and cornflower.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3400 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT

Black Tea 'Earl Grey Premieur'
Earl Grey created for true connoisseurs, in which you will appreciate the exquisite Indian Assam that constitutes its base and sublime bergamot oils from Indonesia and Sicily.

Green Tea Sencha 'Soursop'
The characteristic smell of Graviola fruit extract in an interesting way composing with Sencha green tea, additionally enriched with pink cornflower petals.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

Green Tea Sencha 'White Grapes'
Wonderful tea dominating the scent of the entire apartment, with the taste of ripe grapes enhanced by a slightly citrusy note. A plethora of fruity additions and a sea of flowers. Tea that quickly became our bestseller.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbal Blend 'Greek Mountain Tea' Mint Organic
Herbal infusion based on common plant that grows abundantly in the mountain meadows of Greek pastures, often used as a therapeutic agent, here additionally in a version with a mixture of peppermint and sweet Arabic mint.
4,55 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3800 PTS9,10 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbal Tea 'Source of Happiness' Organic
The infusion can become your liquid source of happiness, as the ingredients allow you to relieve excessive tension and stress, have a relaxing effect and eliminate migraines. The tea has a toning effect and perfectly hydrates on hot summer days.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3400 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT

Herbatka Owocowa Witaminowa `Mamba Samba`
Herbata owocowa z dodatkiem witamin, która wzmocni twój organizm i zbuduje dodatkową odporność. Skomponowana na bazie suszonych owoców i hibiskusa które są naturalnym nośnikiem dla kompleksu multiwitaminowego. Uzupełnienie oferty dla Herbata Mango Tango.
3,83 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3200 PTS7,66 € / 100g incl. VAT

White Tea 'Bellini - Peach & Prosecco'
If you've ever been fascinated by the Venetian Bellini cocktail, made with peach puree and Prosecco wine, you must try our tea version. Delicate white tea leaves combine with fruits and flowers in a fabulous composition.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3400 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT

White Tea 'Blue Lagoon'
Tropical Flavored Tea, reminiscent of exotic islands, where you'll find notes of citrus, papaya, coconut milk, and white chocolate. A blend based on Pai Mu Tan white tea leaves with butterfly pea flowers, cornflower, and peony.
4,07 € / 0.05 kg incl. VAT3400 PTS8,14 € / 100g incl. VAT